Materials Engineering Division


The main research perused by this division is developing an understanding of the material and alloy’s properties, which includes room temperature as well as high-temperature behaviour. Iron-, aluminium- and nickel-based alloys are most studied alloys by this research division. State of the art research facilities for microstructure and structure characterisation, Creep, fatigue and high strain rate deformation properties and advanced facilities for alloy processing are used by this group as a means to their research.

Areas of Research:

Research activities are sub-grouped into four major research groups;

  • a) Materials Processing
  • b) Microstructural Engineering
  • c) Materials Mechanics
  • d) Corrosion Engineering.

Areas of Research

Materials Processing


Scientists of this group are engaged in Designing of new alloys and their subsequent advanced processing to enhance/optimise the properties. Research focuses on the development of Al-based foam, wear resistant steels and Al composites. This group is also contributing to nations societal mission e.g. Artisan brass melting, efficient ruler melting furnace etc.

Microstructural Engineering


The research focus of this group is structural characterisation of materials at various length scales. Scientists of this group are pursuing research in the quest of developing ultra-high-strength steels, e.g. Nano pearlitic steels, nano-bainite steels, Dual/complex multiphase steels etc. as well as futuristic materials like High Entropy Alloys and processes like Dissimilar metal joining. Several State-of-the-art characterisation facilities are available with this group.

Materials Mechanics & Non-Destructive Evaluation


Fatigue & Fracture and Creep behaviour studies of super alloys and super critical boiler materials are being looked at by this research group. Component integrity evaluation and remaining life assessment of structure component have been the main research activity for the scientist of this group. The research activities of this group is focused on development of methodologies for damage assessment of industrial components, sensors and devices for Structural Health Monitoring (SHM). Scientists of this group have expertise in developing NDE protocols and sensors for diverse applications from aerospace to defence, power and steel sectors.


Technical/Support Staffs

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