Analytical & Applied Chemistry Division


Research at Analytical & Applied Chemistry Division (AAC) is focussed on ascertaining the chemistry of metallurgical products and application of the knowledge of chemistry for improvement of metallurgical processes. Basic and applied research projects are executed in the areas of Analytical chemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Mineral & Materials chemistry, Corrosion protection, and Coal chemistry. Another major mandate of the AAC division is to develop & market Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) for metallurgical products like ores, minerals, Coal, Steel, Ferro- alloys and other metal alloys. AAC department is fully equipped with state of the art analytical instruments and provides analytical support to the ongoing R&D projects of other Divisions of CSIR-NML and also provides analytical testing service to outside agencies. AAC Division of CSIR-NML is a NABL Accredited Laboratory for Chemical Testing as per ISO: 17025 and Reference Material Producer as per ISO: 17034.



  • Dr.Sanchita Chakravarty
  • Head, AAC Division
  • Email id :
  • Mobile/Phone no: 08789382711, 9431566696
