Q. How can I get information on CSIR Fellowship?
For more information access this link: https://csirhrdg.res.in/Home/Index/1/Default/2055/157
Q. How to get CSIR-NML Technologies for business development?
Please contact skp@nmlindia.org (0657-2345211)
Q. How can I get training at CSIR-NML?
Online form is available for joining various training programmes organized at CSIR-NML.
Visit https://www.nmlindia.org/skill-development and contact mt@nmlindia.org (0657-2345208/09)
Q. How can I get summer and winter training at CSIR-NML
Online form is available for applying for summer and winter training for third/fourth years engineering students. Please visit this page: https://www.nmlindia.org/facilities/summerwinter-training-students
Contact: klh@nmlindia.org (0657-2345204)
Q. How can I get testing done for my samples?
List of testing facilities: https://www.nmlindia.org/csirnml/sites/default/files/NML_Testing_Faclities.pdf
Contact: klh@nmlindia.org (0657-2345204)
Q.How can I use equipment facility at CSIR-NML?
List of testing facilities: https://eprints.nmlindia.org/7245/1/Equipment_Brochure_Final.pdf
Contact: klh@nmlindia.org (0657-2345204)
Q. How can our students visit CSIR-NML?
CSIR-NML organizes students’ visit at CSIR-NML.
Contact: paras@nmlindia.org (0657- 2345113)
Q.How can our teachers get exposure visit at CSIR-NML?
CSIR-NML organizes visit at CSIR-NML for teachers.
Contact: kritnml@gmail.com (0657- 2345108)
Q.How can I apply for job at CSIR-NML?
Online application is received for temporary and permanent jobs at CSIR-NML.
Temporary Job: https://www.nmlindia.org/temporary-career-lists
Permanent Job: https://www.nmlindia.org/permanent-career-lists
Q.How can I supply products and services to CSIR-NML?
You may register in https://gem.gov.in/ to become eligible vendors of CSIR-NML.0 days.