Ferrous Processing


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Areas of Research

Ferrous Processing Group involves with all the ferrous extraction related area such as raw materials preparation and their characterization, iron making through conventional and alternate routes, steel making, reduction smelting, ferro-alloy making etc. This group specifically concentrating on process innovation in agglomeration of iron ore fines and ferruginous wastes of steel plant, technology development on alternate route of production of direct reduced iron, preparation and development on clean steel and quality improvement of different ferroalloys. Innovations, technology development and their up scaling/ commercialization, solving plant problems on the above field is our main focus.

Major Facilities

  • RI-RDI Facility
  • High Temperature Viscometer
  • Sintering and pelletization
  • Electric Arc Furnace (50kVA)
  • Vacuum Induction furnace (40 Kg)
  • Fluidized Bed Reactor
  • Raising Hearth Furnace
  • Softening –Melting Set Up

Technical/Support Staffs


Contents will be available soon...!
