Dr. A. K. Sahu


Senior Technical Officer (2)
Knowledge Resources & Information Technology Division

My current research focus are Open Source Softwares, Information Management and development of Institutional Repository, Web designing.  My other assigned activities are NML Publication & Publicity in press media, Transparency Portal, Social media sites. In addition to tracking of citations of NML publications since 1950. 

I am also associated with teaching graduate & postgraduate students of library and information science in Kolhan University.  My research publications can be found at NML Eprints/Research Gate/Google Scholar. Received recognitions and awards from several forum, i.e. NML Best Employee 2010; recognition of Eprints from Southampton University, UK 2010; CSIR Open access Special appreciation Gold Award 2011; eWorld Jury Choice Award 2012; Skoch Digital Inclusion Award 2012; CSIR Gold Icon Award 2012 for 'ERP Application System'; Outstanding Achievement Award 2013 from DSIR, Govt. of India, CSIR-NML awarded ‘Bronze Medal’ in IITF-2016, 'Token of Appreciation’ in JILACON 2017, Skoch Order-of Merit 2017.

I am involved in Indo-Ethiopian Twinning Programme and visited Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. I am also the Secretary of the Society for Documentation and Information Science, India.