Shopkeepers Insurance

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The Shopkeeper’s Insurance is a combination of eleven sections covering risks faced by shopkeepers/traders. The policy covers building, contents, money, pedal cycle, plate glass, signs, baggage, personal accident, fidelity guarantee, liability and business interruption. While Section IB and II are compulsory, the client should opt for two more from the other sections The shop Owners of Retail chain, Shopping Arcades & Complex, Shops/Showrooms, Dealers where the Sum Insured of the building and contents together does not exceed Rs. 2 crores may buy the policy.

Key Benefits: 

The policy covers various sections related to shop owners risks more detailed in Coverage section.

Salient Features: 

The policy covers various sections related to shop owners risks more detailed in Coverage section.


Section 1(b) and II are compulsory. In addition to the compulsory section two more of the remaining sections are to be opted

Shopkeepers Insurance Cover
Sec Description of Cover Description of Risk Rate per mille
1A Fire and Allied Perils Building (Excess–Asapplicable to Standard Fire Policies) 1.25
1B Fire and Allied Perils Contents–(i) Non hazardous goods (ii) Hazardousgoods 2.00 2.75
II Burglary,    House-    Breaking, larceny and theft All Contents in IB above (Sum Insured should beidentical with IB) 2.50
III Money Insurance In Transit (not exceeding Rs. 150000/- perany one carrying)  between  two  places  within  a radius of 24 K.Ms from insured's premises 2.50


Shopkeepers Insurance Coverage
ec Description of Cover Description of Risk Rate per mille
    In Safe / Steel  Cupboard/  Cash  Box  kept under lock & key (2% of the Sum Insured under Section I or Rs.150000/-which ever is less) In Counter (1% of the Sum Insured under Section I or Rs.150000/-which ever is less) 2.50       2.50
IV Pedal Cycle Loss  due   to   fire,   burglary   and   external accidental means Legal Liability Rs.10000/- 20.05
V Plate Glass Accidental Breakage (Sum Insured  10% of the Total Sum Insured underSectionIorRs.100000/-which ever is less) 10.05
VI Neon Sign/ Glow Sign Loss  due  to  fire  and  allied  perils,  theft, malicious    damage    and    other    external accidental means (Sum Insured 2 % of the Total Sum Insured under Section I or Rs. 20000 which ever is less) 10.05
VII Baggage Insurance (in connection with the trade) Baggage  accompanying  the   insured  /   his employees Personal Baggage of the insured/partners/ propreitors 7.50
VII I Personal Accident Personal  Accident  Cover  as  per  Personal Accident Guidelines Table and Cover Options As per Guiderate
IX Fidelity Guarantee Monetory  Loss  to  the  insured  due  to  the infidelity of salaried employees of the insured (Sum Insured 10 % of the Total Sum Insured under Section I or Rs. 100000/- which ever is less) 10.00
X- A Liability Insurance- Public Liability Third   Party    Liability   including   property damage caused due to the fault and negligence of family members of insured (Maximum Sum Insured 5 % of the Total Sum Insured under Section I or  –  Rs. 50000/- which ever is less)Coverage –As per Public Liability Act  
X- B Workmen Compensation Drivers, Servants, GateKeepers, Watchman, Gardners can be included – Accidents happen during the employment of the workers Sum Insured – Total Annual Wages paid Coverage – As per WC Act As per Guidelines
XI Business Interruption Sum Insured must be equal to Sum Insured under1-Babove 2.55

Discounts : If 4 or more sections are opted discount of 15 % is allowed. For 6 or more sections discount of 25% will be allowed.

The policy cannot be issued to cover risks where the applicable fire rate (Section I - Shops) is

more than 1.78 %o (for contents) Terrorism Loading – 0.15 %o

Not Covered: 
Sec Descriptionof Cover Exclusions
I Fireand Allied Perils Loss of or damage to lives to ck motor vehicles and pedal cycles
Loss of/damage tomoney,securities, stamps,bullion,deeds, bonds, bills of exchange, promissory notes, stock and share certificates, business  books, manuscripts, documents or any kind   unset  precious  stones   and     jewellery   and   valuables unless specifically declared
II Burglary, House- Breaking, larceny and theft Loss/damage where any employee of the insured or member of the insured’s family is concerned as principal or accessory
Loss of/damage to livestock, motor vehicles and pedal cycles
Lossof/damage to money securities stamps, bullion, deeds, bonds, bills of exchange, promissory notes, stock and share certificates, business  books, manuscripts, documents or any kind  unset  precious  stones   and    jewellery  and  valuables unless specifically declared
III MoneyInsurance Loss/damage where any employee of the insured or member of the insured’s family is concerned as principal or accessory or   arising   from  fraud/dishonesty committed by employees carrying money
Shortage due to errors and omissions
Loss of money from safe following the  use  of  the  its original/duplicate key unless the key has been obtained by assault or violence
IV PedalCycle Loss/damage while the cycle is being used for hire or reward or outside India
Overloading strain or mechanical breakdown
Theft of accessories if not accompanied by stealing of the cycle
Loss/damage while being used for racing or pacemaking
V Plate Glass Breakage/damage during removal, alterations,repairs on the premises
Breakage of lettering on lyunac companied by breakage of glass
Breakage of frames unless specifically declared
Disfiguration/scratching/damage of glass other than fracture which extends through the entire thickness of glass
Embossed, silvered, lettered, ornamental curved or any glass whatsoever unless specifically declared

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