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Commercial Risk Insurance

Popular Products / Policies

  • Standard Fire and Special Perils

    The Standard Fire and Special Perils Policy covers all properties on land (excluding cost of land), moveable or immoveable, at various locations against named perils. The Special Types of Policies are designed for Stocks (declaration and floater), Building, Plant & Machinery keeping in mind the nature of property, proposers' requirements and basis of indemnification. The Long Term Policies available for Dwellings with suitable discounts in premium.

  • Shopkeepers Insurance

    The Shopkeeper’s Insurance is a combination of eleven sections covering risks faced by shopkeepers/traders. The policy covers building, contents, money, pedal cycle, plate glass, signs, baggage, personal accident, fidelity guarantee, liability and business interruption. While Section IB and II are compulsory, the client should opt for two more from the other sections The shop Owners of Retail chain, Shopping Arcades & Complex, Shops/Showrooms, Dealers where the Sum Insured of the building and contents together does not exceed Rs. 2 crores may buy the policy.

  • Marine Insurance - Marine Cargo Special Declaration Policy

    This is basically an open policy of 12 months duration and such policies are issued to Concerns having estimated annual turnover of Rs 2 crores or above. All transits upto the sum insured are covered without any exception and total value of goods in transit are required to be declared atleast once in a quarter in the form of a certified statement. Period of insurance for this policy is one year.

  • Credit Insurance

    National’s Credit Insurance Policy offers an all-round protection to corporate houses against such trade receivables by offering coverage against buyer insolvency and payment default in domestic market, in overseas market or in both. Thus more than just another insurance product, Credit Insurance in true sense is a financial risk management tool that adds value to the receivable management process.

  • Marine Insurance - Open Cover

    Although shipments/despatches of goods are frequently insured individually, the merchants with a large number of shipments/despatches during the year will find it difficult to protect themself continuously throughout an unspecified period of time. Open cover is a contract effected for a period of time, usually for 12 months, whereby the insurer agrees to accept the insurance of all shipments/despatches made by the Insured. An open cover is not a policy and therefore not stamped.

  • Marine Insurance - Duty Insurance Policy

    The insurance is on “Increased value” of cargo by reason of payment of custom duty at the port or place of destination. This policy is not a valued policy and claims are payable on the basis of actual duty paid or on the basis of the Sum insured, whichever is less. Period of insurance for this policy is one year if Open policy is issued.

  • Marine Insurance - Marine Cargo STOP

    This policy is designed to cover Sales turnover (including export/import/ indigenous sale, stock transfer) during the financial year of the Assured for one year.

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