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  • National's Charter to Citizens

National's Charter to Citizens


To be the most preferred choice of customers for General Insurance by building Relationships and grow profitably.


Leveraging technology to integrate people and processes

To excel in service and performance

To uphold the highest ethical standards in conducting our business



We shall –

Act courteously, fairly and reasonably in all our dealings with  our customers.

Make sure all our Policy documents and claim procedures are clear and complete information is given about our Products and services.

Deal quickly and sympathetically with the grievances of the customers and resolve efficiently through nominated ‘Customer Service Officers’ in all Operating Offices.

Respond to all commercially viable general insurance needs of the citizens to provide new covers.

Continue to provide customized insurance products for the rural and social sector, and in particular for the weaker sections of the society at affordable prices.

Continue to develop a dedicated, sensitised, empowered and professional workforce for efficient execution of roles assigned to them.

Have a regular consultative process with our service providers and monitoring mechanism for the effective delivery of promised services to our customers.


We shall -

Host on our website  www.nationalinsuranceindia.comall relevant information relating to working hours, contact numbers after office hours, documents required for issuance of policies and claims settlement

Make available information on products and services through display in office, information kiosks.

Reach out through electronic & print media, intermediaries and other active communication channels available.

Enhance the access of citizens through help line, call center, portal and personalized interactions. Incharges of our operating Offices shall attend to our customers on all working days for resolution of customer grievances.


We shall –

Strive to achieve and excel the timelines/benchmarks set forth in the charter and those prescribed by the regulator in respect of policyholder’s servicing.

Be clear and transparent in seeking fulfillment of requirements for settling a claim or any other services to the customer.


We shall-

Enable the customers with opportunities to provide the organization with feedback on services availed and suggest improvements through customer meets, surveys, web and interactive Voice Response System (IVRS). Citizens are invited to provide their suggestions for betterment of services through the dedicated e-mail facility at suggestions[at]nic[dot]co[dot]in

Enhance customer satisfaction through adoption of latest technologies in the area of servicing, simplification of processes, and periodical review of systems and procedures.

Review the standards of services offered, annually with a view to improve the benchmarks.


S. No.

Policy Stage

Description of item of service

Turn Around Time


At the time of sale

Processing of proposal and communicating acceptance/rejection

  • Relating to Motor, Individual Health, Personal Accident and other personal lines of insurance

Within 3 days of submission

  • Relating to Fire, Marine, Engineering and other commercial lines of insurance

Within 7 days of submission

Sharing the copy of proposal form

Within 7 days of acceptance of premium

Issuance of premium receipt

Within the next working day


Post Sale

Issuance of Policy Document

Within 7 days of acceptance of premium

Issuance of duplicate policy on request

Within 3 days of receipt of request

Issuance of Endorsements

  • Not involving charging/refund of premium

Within the next working day

  • Involving charging/refund of premium

Within 3 days of receipt of request

Cancellation of Policy and refund of premium

Within 7 days of receipt of request



Appointment of Surveyors

Within 48 hours of receipt of intimation

Issuance of claim form

Same day

Submission of survey report by surveyor

Within 10 days of completion of reinstatement/ repair, subject overall to a limit of six months in respect of special/ complicated cases or where policy conditions permit an extended period

Seeking of addendum/ clarifications, if required, from surveyor

Within 15 days of receipt of survey report

Submission of addendum/final report by surveyor, if so required

Within 3 weeks of such requirement

Offer for settlement of claim – in cases where further investigation is not required

  • In respect of claims within the authority of BO/DOs

Within 15 days of receipt of final report

  • In respect of claims falling in the authority of ROs/HO

Within 30 days of receipt of final report

Offer for settlement of claim – in cases where further investigation is required

  • In respect of claims within the authority of BO/DOs

Within 15 days of receipt of such investigation report

  • In respect of claims falling in the authority of ROs/HO

Within 30 days of receipt of such report

Communication of rejection of claim, if applicable

Within 30 days of receipt of final report/ investigation report

Payment of claim on acceptance by the Insured

Within 7 days of receipt of acceptance



Action on Complaint and intimation of decision to the complainant

Within 15 days

Closure of IGMS entry after resolution of complaint

After 8 weeks of resolution, if no further response is received from the complainant



Response to any communication received from prospect/client on any general matter

Within 7 days

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